Recent Publications
Arslain, K., Gustafson, C. R., Baishya, P., & Rose, D. J. (2021). Determinants of gluten-free diet adoption among individuals without celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Appetite, 156, 104958.
Cano, C., G.A. Sullivan, and B.D. Chaves. 2023. Evaluation of ozonated water as a potential intervention to reduce Salmonella and indicator organisms on raw chicken wing sections Food Prot. Trends. 43, 472-478.
Haque, M., B. Wang, A. Leandre Mvuyekure, and B.D. Chaves. 2024. Validation of competition and dynamic models for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) growth in raw ground pork during temperature abuse. Food Microbiol. 117, 104400.
Haugabrooks, Esther, and Q Wallace Hayes, editors. History of Food and Nutrition Toxicology. Elsevier, Academic Press, 2023. (Goodman, R. contributor)
Motta-Romero HA, Perez-Donado CE, Auchtung JM, Rose DJ. 2023. Toxicity of cadmium on dynamic human gut microbiome cultures and the protective effect of cadmium-tolerant bacteria autochthonous to the gut. Chemosphere 338:139581.
Mutuyemungu E, Motta-Romero HM, Yang Q, Liu S, Liu S, Singh M, Rose DJ. Megasphaera elsdenii, a commensal member of the gut microbiota, is associated with elevated gas production during in vitro fermentation. Gut Microbiome in press.
Newton, A.; Majumder, K. Germination and Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Exhibiting In Vitro Antioxidant Activity in Gastrointestinal Epithelial Cells. Antioxidants 2023, 12, 1114.
Nolasco, E., Krassovskaya, I., Hong, K., Hansen, K., Alvarez, S., Obata, T., Majumder, K. Sprouting alters metabolite and peptide contents in the gastrointestinal digest of soybean and enhances in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity. Journal of Functional Foods 109 (2023) 105780.
Nordlee, J.A., Baumert, J.L. and Taylor, S.L. (2023) ‘Preparation of blinded food matrixes for clinical oral challenges’, Methods in Molecular Biology, pp. 143–157. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-3453-0_9.
Nwaizu, C.C., Cyamani, A. (2023). Impacts of a Transdisciplinary Approach to Practice-Based Learning on Students’ Success Skills. In: Pereira, L., Krus, P., Klofsten, M. (eds) Proceedings of IDEAS 2022. IDEAS 2022. Design Science and Innovation. Springer, Cham.
Yang B*, Khatri M*, Zheng J, Deogun J, Yin Y# (2023) Genome mining for anti-CRISPR operons using machine learning, Bioinformatics, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btad309
Bartholomaia B, Ruwe K, Thurston J, Jha P, Scaife K, Simon R, Abdelmoteleb M, Goodman R, Farhia M. Safety evaluation of Neurospora crassa mycoprotein for use as a novel meat alternative and enhancer Food and Chemical Toxicology vol 168
Norasak Kalchayanand, Sapna Chitlapilly Dass, Yangjunna Zhang, Eric L. Oliver, Bing Wang, Tommy L. Wheeler. Efficacy of antimicrobial interventions used in meat processing plants against antimicrobial tolerant of non-antimicrobial resistant (non-AMR) and antimicrobial resistant (AMR) Salmonella on fresh beef. Journal of Food Protection. 2022; 85(8): 1114-1121.
Kang C, Zhang H, Liu Z, Huang S, Yin Y (2022) LR-GNN: a graph neural network based on link representation for predicting molecular associations, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022 Jan 17;23(1):bbab513. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbab513
Korth, N., Parsons, L., Van Haute, M. J., Yang, Q., Hurst, P., Schnable, J. C., Holding, D. R., & Benson, A. K. (2022). The unique seed protein composition of quality protein popcorn promotes growth of beneficial bacteria from the human gut microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Bo Li, Xu Li, Bing Wang, and Tao Yan. A metagenomic approach for characterizing antibiotic resistance genes in specific bacterial populations: Demonstration with Escherichia coli in cattle manure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2022; e02554-21.
Morrison D, Bianchini A, Chaves BD. 2022. A Review of Salmonella Prevalence and Salmonellosis Burden in the Caribbean Community Member Countries. Food Protection Trends, 42(3), 194–201 http://doi.oro/10.4315/FPT-21-035.
Nwaizu, C. C., Zhang, Q., Iluno, (2022). 3D Pore Structure Characterization of Stored Grain Bed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 38(6), 941–950.
Onyeaka, D. H., Nwaizu, C. C., & Ekaette, I. (2022). Mathematical modeling for thermally treated vacuum-packaged foods: A review on sous vide processing. Trends in Food Science & Technology, S0924224422002114.
Onay B. Dogan, Jayne Stratton, Ana Arciniega, Jennifer Clarke, Mark L. Tamplin, Andreia Bianchini, Bing Wang. Quantitative modeling of the survival of Listeria monocytogenes in soy sauce-based acidified food products. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2022. In Press.
Sarkar, Dipon, Ian Hunt, Cameron Macdonald, Bing Wang, John P. Bowman, and Mark L. Tamplin. "Modelling growth of Bacillus cereus in paneer by one-step parameter estimation." Food Microbiology (2023): 104231.
Zheng J, Meinhardt L, Goenaga R, Matsumoto T, Zhang D, Yin Y (2022) The chromosome-level rambutan genome reveals a significant role of segmental duplication in the expansion of resistance genes, Horticulture Research, 2022 Feb 11;9:uhac014
Yangjunna Zhang, John W. Schmidt, Terrance M. Arthur, Tommy L. Wheeler, Qi Zhang, Bing Wang. A farm-to-fork quantitative microbial exposure assessment of β-lactam-resistant Escherichia coli among U.S. beef consumers. Microorganisms. 2022; 10(3): 661.
Zheng J*, Ge Q*, Yan Y, Zhang X, Huang L, Yin Y# (2023) dbCAN3: automated carbohydrate-active enzyme and substrate annotation, Nucleic Acids Res., doi:10.1093/nar/gkad328
Abdelmoteleb, M., Zhang, C., Furey, B., Kozubal, M., Griffiths, H., Champeaud, M., & Goodman, R. E. (2021). Evaluating potential risks of food allergy of novel food sources based on comparison of proteins predicted From genomes and compared to Food and Chemical Toxicology, 147, 111888. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2020.111888.
Apostolovic, D., J. Marsh, J. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, A. Westphal, H. de Jongh, P. Johnson, G. A. H. de Jong, and S. J. Koppelman. 2021. Purification and initial characterization of Ara h 7, a peanut allergen from the 2S albumin family. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69:6318-6329.
Cano. C., Y. Meneses, and B.D. Chaves. 2021. Application of peroxyacetic acid for decontamination of poultry products and comparison to other commonly used chemical interventions – A Review. J. Food Prot. 84, 1772-1783.
Cheng X, Yang B, Zheng J, Wei H, Feng X and Yin Y (2021) Cadmium stress triggers significant metabolic reprogramming in Enterococcus faecium CX 2-6, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal,
Chen, L., Jung, J., Chaves, B., Jones, D., Negahban, M., Zhao,Y., & Subbiah J. (2021). Challenges of dry hazelnut shell surface for radio frequency pasteurization of inshell hazelnuts. Food Control, 125, 107948.
Chen, S., Yang, C., & Downs, M. (2021). Targeted mass spectrometry quantification of total soy protein residues from commercially processed ingredients for food allergen management. Journal of Proteomics, 239, 104194. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2021.104194.
Mei Chung, Naisi Zhao, Richard Meier, Devin C. Koestler, Guojun Wu, Erika Del Castillo, Bruce J. Paster, Kevin Charpentier, Jacques Izard, Karl T. Kelsey, and Dominique S. Michaud Comparisons of oral, intestinal, and pancreatic bacterial microbiomes in patients with pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases. Journal of Oral Microbiology (2021), vol.83(13) 1887680.
Chu, D. K., J. L. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, J. A. Nordlee, T. Nham, P. Spill, J. Bramson, S. La Vielle, M. A. Abbott, A. Marrin, M. Jordana, and S. Waserman. 2021. Peanut allergen reaction thresholds during controlled food challenges in 2 Canadian randomized studies (Canada-ARM1 and PISCES). J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Practice 9:2524-2526.
Onay B. Dogan, Anand Aditya, Juan Ortuzar, Jennifer Clarke, Bing Wang. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of processing stages and interventions for controlling Campylobacter contamination during broiler chicken processing. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12860
Engevik MA, Engevik AC, Engevik KA, Auchtung JM, Chang-Graham AL, Ruan W, Luna RA, Hyser JM, Spinler JK, Versalovic J. 2020. “Mucin-Degrading Microbes Release Monosaccharides That Chemoattract Clostridioides difficile and Facilitate Colonization of the Human Intestinal Mucus Layer.” ACS Infect Dis. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00634. Epub ahead of print.
Engevik M, Danhof HA, Auchtung J, Endres BT, Ruan W, Bassères E, Engevik AC, Wu Q, Nicholson M, Luna RA, Garey KW, Crawford SE, Estes MK, Lux R, Yacyshyn MB, Yacyshyn B, Savidge T, Britton RA, Versalovic J. 2020. “Fusobacterium nucleatum adheres to Clostridioides difficile via the RadD adhesin to enhance biofilm formation in intestinal mucus.” Gastroenterology. S0016-5085(20)35437-8.
Enakshy Dutta, J. Dustin Loy, Caitlyn A. Deal, Emily L. Wynn, Michael L. Clawson, Jennifer Clarke, Bing Wang. Development of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for predicting macrolide and tetracycline resistance associated with bacterial pathogens of bovine respiratory disease. Pathogens. 2021. 10(1), 64.
Ghislain, M., Barekye, A., & Goodman, R. (2021, April 08). Defeating late blight disease of potato in sub-saharan africa. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from
Goodman, R., & Huesing, J. (2021, January 07). 2021: African and Asian agriculture. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from
Hu, X., Meneses, Y. E., Stratton, J., Lau, S. K., & Subbiah, J. (2021). Integration of ozone with co-immobilized microalgae-activated sludge bacterial symbiosis for efficient on-site treatment of meat processing wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 285, 112152. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112152.
Izard, J., Gerbaba, T. K., & Yumul, S. R. (2021). 3D printing of human microbiome constituents to understand spatial relationships & shape parameters in bacteriology. The American Biology Teacher, 83(3), 188-190. doi:10.1525/abt.2021.83.3.188.
Koppelman, S. J., A. L. Lardizabal, L. Niemann, S. L. Hefle, J. L. Baumert, and S. L. Taylor. 2021. Developmnet of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection and quantification of clam residues in food products. Biomed. Res. Int. 6685575, 9 pp.
Lau, S. K., Wei, X., Kirezi, N., Panth, R., See, A., & Subbiah, J. (2020). A comparison of three methods for determining thermal inactivation kinetics: A case study on salmonella enterica in whole milk powder. Journal of Food Protection, 84(3), 521-530. doi:10.4315/jfp-20-232.
Lau, S.K., R. Panth, B.D. Chaves, C.L. Weller, and J. Subbiah. 2021. Thermal inactivation kinetics of Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL-B2354 in whole chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.). J. Food Prot., 84, 1357–1365.
Liang, J., S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert, A. L. Lopata, and N. A. Lee. 2021. Effect of thermal treatment on the immunoreactivity and quantification of parvalbumin with two anti-parvalbumin antibodies. Food Control 121:e107675, 8 pp.
Massarolo, K.C., Mendoza, J.R., Verma, T., Kupski, L., Badiale-Furlong, B., Bianchini, A. 2021. Fate of aflatoxins in cornmeal during single-screw extrusion: A bioaccessibility approach. Mycotoxin Research.
Wenjie Ma, Long H. Nguyen, Mingyang Song, Daniel D. Wang, Eric Franzosa, Yin Cao, Amit Joshi, David A. Drew, Raaj Mehta, Kerry L. Ivey, Lisa L. Strate, Edward L. Giovannucci, Jacques Izard, Wendy Garrett, Eric B. Rimm, Curtis Huttenhower, and Andrew T. Chan Dietary fiber intake, the gut microbiome, and chronic systemic inflammation in a cohort of adult men. Genome Medicine (2021), vol. 13, article 102.
Meima, M. Y., B. C. Remington, W. M. Blom, J. L. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, B. Jeffery, M.-C. Robert, G. F.
Houben, and N. B. Lucas Luijckx. 2021. The behaviour of allergenic food particles in food production areas and their unintended presence in food products. Food Control 124:107850.
Nwaizu. C., and Q. Zhang. 2021. Computational modeling of heterogeneous pore structure and airflow distribution in the grain aeration system. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 188:106315
Zhiyi Qiang, Bing Wang, Brenda C. Garrett, R. Patrick Rainey, Robert Superko. COVID-19: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis on cardiovascular biomarkers. Current Opinion in Cardiology. Accepted in February 2021.
Remington, B. C., J. Westerhout, A. E. J. Dubois, W. M. Blom, A. G. Kruizinga, S. L. Taylor, G. F.
Houben, and J. L. Baumert. 2021. Suitability of low-dose open food challenge data to supplement double-blind, placebo-controlled data in generation of food allergen threshold dose distributions. Clin. Exp. Allergy 51:151-154.
Huang, Rui, and Changmou Xu. "An overview of the perception and mitigation of astringency associated with phenolic compounds." Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (2020).
Dipon Sarkara, David A. Ratkowsky, Bing Wang, John P. Bowman, Mark L. Tamplin. Modelling viability of Listeria monocytogenes in paneer. Food Microbiology. 2021. 97: 103738.
Daniel R. Sikavi, Long H. Nguyen, Koichiro Haruki, Tomotaka Ugai, Wenjie Ma, Dong D. Wang, Kelsey Thompson, Yan Yan, Tobyn Branck, Jeremy Wilkinson, Naohiko Akimoto, Rong Zhong, Mai Chan Lau, Kosuke Mima, Keisuke Kosumi, Teppei Morikawa, Eric B. Rimm, Wendy S. Garrett, Jacques Izard, Yin Cao, Mingyang Song, Curtis Huttenhower, Shuji Ogino and Andrew T. Chan. The sulfur microbial diet and risk of colorectal cancer by molecular subtypes and intratumoral microbial species in adult men. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology (2021), Vol. 12(8) p. e00338
Taylor, S. L., S. Jayasena, L. M. Niemann, D. M. Lambrecht, S. Kraft, and J. L. Baumert. 2021. Uh Oh! My sample tested positive for allergen residues - what next? Part 1. Confirm your results. Food Quality & Safety magazine 27(6):12-14, 39.
Taylor, S. L., J. L. Kabourek, S. J. Koppelman, J. Marsh, P. Johnson, and J. L. Baumert. 2021. A perspective on pea allergy and pea allergens. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 116:186-198.
Taylor, S. L., G. F. Houben, W. M. Blom, J. Westerhout, B. C. Remington, R. W. R. Crevel, S. Brooke-Taylor, and J. L. Baumert. 2021. The population threshold for soy as an allergenic food. Why did the Reference Dose decrease in VITAL 3.0? Trends Food Sci. Technol. 112:99-108.
Verma, T., X. Wei, B.D. Chaves, T. Howell, and J. Subbiah. 2022. Antimicrobial efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide for inactivation of Salmonella on dried basil leaves. LWT. 153: 112488.
Tushar Verma, Xinyao Wei, Byron D. Chaves, Terry Howell Jr, Jeyamkondan Subbiah. Antimicrobial efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide for inactivation of Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 on dried basil leaves
Tushar Verma, Byron D.Chaves, Sibel Irmak, Jeyamkondan Subbiah. Pasteurization of dried basil leaves using radio frequency heating: A microbial challenge study and quality analysis. Food Control. 124:107932.
Villa-Rojas, R. K., & Lu, M. (2021, September). Lessons Learned from Remote Teaching in an Internationally Dual Degree Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference.
Xinyao Wei, Sabrina Vasquez, Harshavardhan Thippareddi, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, Evaluation of Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 as a surrogate for Salmonella in ground black pepper at different water activities, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 344, 2021,109114.
Lisa A. Whisenhunt, Linda H. Xu, Fan Yang, and Jacques Izard
Output consistency scale to standardize ostomate output description in clinical practice and studies. Academic Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2021) vol. 3(1) AJGH.MS.ID.000554.
Yangjunna Zhang, John W. Schmidt, Terrance M. Arthur, Tommy L. Wheeler, Bing Wang. A comparative quantitative assessment of human exposure to various antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among U.S. ground beef consumers. Journal of Food Protection. 2021.
Zhao, H., Zhan, Y., Xu, Z., John Nduwamungu, J., Zhou, Y., Powers, R., & Xu, C. (2021). The Application of Machine-Learning and Raman Spectroscopy for the Rapid Detection of Edible Oils Type and Adulteration. Food Chemistry, 131471.
Becker B, Feng X, Yin Y, Holzinger A (2020) Desiccation tolerance in streptophyte algae and the algae to land plant transition: Evolution of LEA and MIP protein families within the Viridiplantae, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020 Feb 28. pii: eraa105. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa105
Carlos Bolanos-Carriel, Stephen N. Wegulo, Heather Hallen-Adams, P. Stephen Baenziger, Kent M. Eskridge, Deanna Funnell-Harris, Niki Mcmaster, & David G. Schmale III (2020) Effects of field-applied fungicides, grain moisture, and time on deoxynivalenol during postharvest storage of winter wheat grain, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2019-0075
Carlos Bolanos-Carriel, Stephen N. Wegulo, P. Stephen Baenziger, Kent M. Eskridge, Deanna Funnell-Harris, Niki Mcmaster, David G. Schmale III & Heather E. Hallen-Adams (2020) Tri5 gene expression analysis during postharvest storage of wheat grain from field plots treated with a triazole and a strobilurin fungicide, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2019.1700169
Chen, L., Irmak, S., Chaves, B. D., & Subbiah, J. (2020). Microbial challenge study and quality evaluation of cumin seeds pasteurized by continuous radio frequency processing. Food Control, 111, 107052. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.107052
Onay B. Dogan, Yulie E. Meneses, Rolando A. Flores, Bing Wang. Risk-based assessment and criteria specification of the microbial safety of wastewater reuse in food processing: Managing Listeria monocytogenes contamination in pasteurized fluid milk. Water Research. 2020; 171:115466.
Gulati P, Brahma S, Graybosch RA, Chen Y, Rose DJ. In vitro digestibility of proteins from historical and modern wheat cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture in press.
Hu, X., Meneses, Y.E., Hassan, A.A., 2020. Integration of sodium hypochlorite pretreatment with co-immobilized microalgae/bacteria treatment of meat processing wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 122953.
Morgounov A, Karaduman Y, Akin B, Aydogan S, Baenziger PS, Bhatta M, Chudinov V, Dreisigacker S, Govindan V, Güler S, Guzman C, Nehe A, Poudel R, Rose DJ, Gordeeva E, Shamanin V, Subasi K, Zelenskiy Y, Khlestkina EK. 2020. Yield and quality in purple-grained wheat isogenic lines. Agronomy 10:86.
Long H. Nguyen, Wenjie Ma, Dong D. Wang , Yin Cao, Himel Mallick, Teklu Gerbaba, Jason Lloyd-Price, Galeb Abu-Ali, A. Brantley Hall , Daniel Sikavi, David A.Drew, Raaj S. Mehta, Cesar Arze, Amit D. Joshi, Yan Yan, Tobyn Branck, Casey DuLong, Kerry Ivey, Shuji Ogino, Eric B. Rimm EB, Mingyang Song, Wendy S. Garrett, Jacques Izard, Curtis Huttenhower, Andre T. Chan Gastroenterology (2020) vol. 158 (5) pp. 1313-1325
Annette O’Connor, Dapeng Hu, Sarah Totton, Nicole Scott, Charlotte Winder, Bing Wang, Chong Wang, Julie Glanville, Hannah Wood, Brad White, Robert Larson, Cheryl Waldner, Jan Sargeant. A systematic review and network meta-analysis of injectable antibiotic options for the control of bovine respiratory disease in the first 45 days post arrival at the feedlot. Animal Health Research Reviews. 2019; 20(2): 163-181.
Annette O’Connor, Dapeng Hu, Sarah Totton, Nicole Scott, Charlotte Winder, Bing Wang, Chong Wang, Julie Glanville, Hannah Wood, Brad White, Robert Larson, Cheryl Waldner, Jan Sargeant. A systematic review and network meta-analysis of bacterial and viral vaccines, administered at or near arrival at the feedlot, for control of bovine respiratory disease in beef cattle. Animal Health Research Reviews. 2019; 20(2): 143-162.
Juan E. Ortúzar, Onay B. Dogan, Gustavo Sotomayor, Constanza Jiménez, Jennifer Clarke, Rolando A. Flores, George M. Gray, John H. Rupnow, Bing Wang. Quantitative assessment of microbial quality and safety risk: A preliminary case study of strengthening raspberry supply system in Chile. Food Control. 2020; 113: 107166.
Orton L, Fitzek E, Feng X, Grayburn SW, Mower JP, Liu K, Zhang C, Duvall MR, Yin Y (2020) Zygnema circumcarinatum UTEX 1559 chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes provide insight into land plant evolution, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020 Mar 24. pii: eraa149. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa149
Rukundo, I. R., & Danao, M.-G. C. (2020). Identifying turmeric powder by source and metanil yellow adulteration levels using near infrared spectra and PCA-SIMCA modeling. Journal of Food Protection.
Rukundo, I. R., Danao, M. C., Weller, C. L., Wehling, R. L., & Eskridge, K. M. (2020). Use of a handheld near infrared spectrometer and partial least squares regression to quantify metanil yellow adulteration in turmeric powder. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 28(1), 096703351989888.
Ubeyitogullari, A. and Ciftci, O. N. (2020). Fabrication of bioaerogels from camelina seed mucilage for food applications. Food Hydrocolloids, 102, 105597.
Ubeyitogullari, A. and Ciftci, O. N. (2019). A novel and green nanoparticle formation approach to forming low-crystallinity curcumin nanoparticles to improve curcumin’s bioaccessibility. Scientific Reports, 9, 19112.
Esteban Valverde-Bogantes, Carlos Bolanos-Carriel, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, Niki Mcmaster, David G. Schmale III & Stephen N. Wegulo (2020) Aggressiveness and deoxynivalenol production of Nebraska isolates of Fusarium boothii and F. graminearum, Plant Health Progress, DOI: 10.1094/PHP-01-20-0001-RS
Esteban Valverde-Bogantes, Andreia Bianchini, Joshua R. Herr, Devin J. Rose, Stephen N. Wegulo & Heather E. Hallen-Adams (2019) Recent population changes of Fusarium head blight pathogens: drivers and implications, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2019.1680442
Wang L, Rose DJ, Zhang Y. Development of prolamin-based composite nanoparticles for controlled-release of sulforaphane. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in press.
Yi H, Huang L, Yang B, Zhang H, Yin Y (2020) AcrFinder: genome mining anti-CRISPR operons in prokaryotes and their viruses, Nucleic Acids Research, doi: doi:10.1093/nar/gkaa351
Zhao, H.; Shen, C.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, C. Comparison of Wheat, Soybean, Rice, and Pea Protein Properties for Effective Applications in Food Products. J. Food Biochem. 2020, n/a (n/a), e13157.
H. Zhao, Y. Zhan, Z. Xu, J. J. Nduwamungu, Y. Zhou, and C. Xu, “Machine learning-driven Raman spectroscopy for rapidly detecting type, adulteration, and oxidation of edible oils,” Am. Oil Chem. Soc. Inf. Mag., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 12–15, Apr. 2020.
Boreddy SR, Rose DJ, Subbiah J. 2019. Radiofrequency-assisted thermal processing of wheat flour. Journal of Food Science 84:2528-2536.
Castillo, E., Meier, R., Chung, M., Koestler, D., Chen, T., Paster, B., Charpentier, K., Kelsey, K., Izard, J., and Michaud, D. The Microbiomes of Pancreatic and Duodenum Tissue Overlap and are Highly Subject Specific but Differ between Pancreatic Cancer and Non-Cancer Subjects. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (2019) vol. 28(2), pp. 370-383.
Chen, J., Lau, S. K., Boreddy, S. R., & Subbiah, J. (2019). Modeling of radio frequency heating of egg white powder continuously moving on a conveyor belt. Journal of Food Engineering, 262, 109-120. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.05.029.
Chen, L. (2019, February). Radio-Frequency Pasteurization of Low-Moisture Foods: Critical Process Control Parameters. Food Safety Magazine, 13-15.
Fitzek E, Orton F, Entwistle S, Grayburn SW, Ausland C, Duvall DR, Yin Y (2019) Cell wall enzymes in Zygnema circumcarinatum UTEX 1559 respond to osmotic stress in a plant-like fashion, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00732.
Ivey, K., Chan, A., Izard, J., Cassidy, A., Rogers, G. and Rimm, E. Role of dietary flavonoid compounds in driving patterns of microbial community assembly. mBio (2019) vol. 10 (5) e01205-19; DOI: 10.1128/mBio.01205-19.
Jayasena, S., S. J. Koppelman, B. Nayak, S. L. Taylor, and J. Baumert. 2019. Comparison of recovery and immunochemical detection of peanut proteins from differentially roasted peanut flour using ELISA. Food Chem. 292:32-38.
Jayasena, S., S. S. K. Wijeratne, S. L. Taylor, and J. L. Baumert. 2019. Improved extraction of peanut residues from a wheat flour matrix for immunochemical detection. Food Chem. 278:832-840.
Jooyeoyn, J. Value-added Utilization of Fruit and Vegetable Pomace in Food Packaging, 2019, Food Packaging: Innovations and Shelf-Life, Editor: Rui M. S. da Cruz, CRC Press.
de Jong, G. A., S. Jayasena, P. Johnson, J. Marsh, D. Apostolovic, M. van Hage, J. Nordlee, J. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, C. Roucairol, H. de Jongh, and S. Koppelman. 2018. Purification and characterization of naturally occurring post-translationally cleaved Ara h 6, an allergen that contributes substantially to the allergenic potency of peanut. J. Agr. Food Chem. 66:10855-10863.
Konda, A. R., Nazarenus, T., Nguyen, H., Yang, J., Gelli, M., Swenson, S., Shipp, J., Schmidt, M., Cahoon, R., Ciftci, O.N., Zhang, C., Clemente, T., and Cahoon, E. (2020). Metabolic engineering of soybean seeds for enhanced vitamin E tocochromanol content and effects on oil antioxidant properties in polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich germplasm. Metabolic Engineering, 57, 63-73.
Lin, Y., Subbiah, J., Chen, L., Verma, T., & Liu, Y. (2020). Validation of radio frequency assisted traditional thermal processing for pasteurization of powdered infant formula milk. Food Control, 109, 106897. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106897.
Li, S., Subbiah, J., & Dvorak, B. (2019). Environmental and occupational impacts from U.S. beef slaughtering are of same magnitude of beef foodborne illnesses on human health. Environment International, 129, 507-516. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.051.
Li W, Yin Y, Quan X, Zhang H (2019) Gene Expression Value Prediction Based on XGBoost Algorithm, Frontiers in Genetics, doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01077.
Li Y, Tinoco R, Elmén L, Segota I, Xian Y, Fujita Y, Sahu A, Zarecki R, Marie K, Feng Y, Khateb A, Frederick DT, Ashkenazi SK, Kim H, Perez EG, Day CP, Segura Muñoz RS, Schmaltz R, Yooseph S, Tam MA, Zhang T, Avitan-Hersh E, Tzur L, Roizman S, Boyango I, Bar-Sela G, Orian A, Kaufman RJ, Bosenberg M, Goding CR, Baaten B, Levesque MP, Dummer R, Brown K, Merlino G, Ruppin E, Flaherty K, Ramer-Tait A, Long T, Peterson SN, Bradley LM, Ronai ZA. Gut microbiota dependent anti-tumor immunity restricts melanoma growth in Rnf5-/- mice. 2019. Nature Communications. 10:1492.
Meneses, Y. E., Martinez, B., & Hu, X. (2019). Water reconditioning in the food industry. Sustainable Water and Wastewater Processing, 329-365. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-816170-8.00010-7.
Navrotskyi S, Guo G, Baenziger PS, Xu L, Rose DJ. 2019. Impact of wheat bran physical properties and chemical composition on whole grain flour mixing and baking properties. Journal of Cereal Science 89:102790.
Piepenbrink KH. DNA Uptake by Type IV Filaments Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, section Molecular Recognition 2019 (in press).
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Recent Awards
Emeron Nolasco, Larrick Graduate Student Travel Award 2023, Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Emerson Nolasco, Second place in Division Graduate Research Competition, Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Division, Chicago, IL, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) FIRST 2023.
Emerson Nolasco, Second place in ePoster competition, Protein and Co-Products Division, Denver, CO, American Oil Chemist’s Society (AOCS).
Ilhami Okur, 2023-2024 Dean’s Fellowship award.
Keith Scott, Presentation Excellence Award, ASABE.
Emerson Nolasco, John and Louise Skala Fellowship
Emerson Nolasco, IFT NFFD Outstanding Volunteer Award
Ibtesam Sleem, Dean's Fellowship
Food Safety Team Award - Dr. Andreia Bianchini
Food Safety Team Award - Dr. Byron Chaves
3A-SSI Student Participation Award - Cyril Nsom Ayuk Etaka
2021 Early Career Researcher Award from ISAPP - Car Reek Kok
AOAC INTERNATIONAL 'Testing for Life' Student Award - Tengfei Li
2021 Analytical Division Student Award from the American Oil Chemists' Society - Hefei Zhao
UNL Parents Association - Certificate of Recognition for Contributions of Students - Dr. Robert Hutkins
UNL Parents Association - Certificate of Recognition for Contributions of Students - Dr. Randy Wehling
Outstanding Research & Creative Activities Award - Haowen (Max) Qiu
Larrick Whitmore Student Travel Grant Award - Hefei Zhao
Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology - Dr. Andrew Benson
Junior Faculty Recognition for Excellence in Research Award. - Dr. Ozan Ciftci
Young Scientist Award, International Symposium on Bioactive Peptides - Kaustav Majumder
Young Investigator for Probiotics Research Award - Dr. Amanda Ramer-Tait
Leadership Citation, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) - Dr. Mark Wilkins
Named Nebraska Corn Checkoff Presidential Chair - Dr. Mark Wilkins
Outstanding Associate Editor, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - Dr. Mark Wilkins
Best poster Protein and Co-Products Division, American Oil Chemists Society - Madhurima Bandyopadhyay
Best poster Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Division, IFT - Snigdha Guha
Milton E. Mohr Fellowship - Snigdha Guha
Tanner Award - Most downloaded paper: “Food Fish Identification from DNA Extraction Through Sequence Analysis” - Dr. Heather Hallen-Adams
Promoted to Associate Professor and granted Tenure – Dr. Amanda Ramer-Tait
John H. Silliker Distinguished Lecture - Dr. Steve Taylor
Honored Student Award, AOCS - Ali Ubeyitogullari
Best Poster, Undergradaute Research Fair, CASNR - Kelsey Bignell
Section of Merit, IFT - Food Science Club
Froning Award - Thanh Le
Best Poster Lipid Ocidation Division, Oil Chemists Society - Junsi Yang