58% Undergraduate Students have on-campus research laboratory, pilot plant, or Dairy Store learning experience
$62,750 Total amount of scholarships awarded to 22 individual students received scholarships from 14 different scholarship funds.
78/90 Undergraduate/Graduate students enrolled in Food Science and Technology, Food Technology for Companion Animals, and the NWAFU 3+1 Program
30 Tenure-Track, Research,
and Practice Faculty
$2.6 Million Grant dollars awarded in the last year
128 countries represented by our alums

Vision Statement

To be a Global Leader in Advancing Trans‐disciplinary Approaches for Safe, Sustainable, and Healthy Foods through Innovative Research, Teaching and Outreach.

Mission Statement

  • To provide high-quality education and training to individuals preparing for careers in food science and technology in the food industry, academia, or government.

  • To conduct basic and applied research in food science and technology for the ultimate benefit of the food industry and consumers.

  • To provide assistance to the food industry through extension programs of the Department

Career Opportunities

  • Food Chemist
  • Food Product
  • Food Process and Packaging Design Engineer
  • Food Microbiologist
  • Food Safety Expert
  • Ingredient Development Scientist
  • Quality Control Supervision
  • Sensory Scientist
  • and many others!

Nebraska Innovation Campus

The Food Innovation Center is located on Nebraska Innovation Campus (NIC). NIC features a conference center, innovation studio, the Scarlet and Cream hotel, and the Mill Coffee and Bistro.

Take a virtual tour at https://nebraskainnovationcampus.com